Thursday 27 June 2013


 Well, OK, that might be an exaggeration but here goes!


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I turned the magical 60 last July and felt I really ought to do something to try and keep fit and healthy.  I have tried endless diets and was a firm believer in Weightwatchers until they changed to Pro Points since when I have failed to lose anything however much exercise I did at the same, what should I do?  My friend Gaylia suggested the Fast Diet (see link below) and so I thought I would give it a go....

I am not greatly overweight - probably need to lose a stone to feel and look good but somehow as the years accumulate the weight tends to stick around.  I am fed up of having to think about what I am eating ALL the time and so this diet seemed like a good idea.

I have now been doing the Fast Diet (Mosley and Spencer) for over a month and, at the same time been putting myself through 55 minutes of circuit training video (Elle MacPherson) pretty much every morning - hence the "Furious"!.

At first I thought "OK. Another diet!  What are the chances of sticking to this?.....nil in all probability".  But NO!  This is great!  Not like a diet at all.  Just 2 fast (500 calorie) days a week and other than that just do as you always do - eg enjoy life to the full and eat and drink whatever you fancy.  Could this possibly work?    YES IT DOES!  Hooray!  I have, after about 30 years of dieting on and off, found the diet for me........

And the exercise?  Well, I have had this video for years and only really tried it out a couple of times.  But now I do the whole thing every morning and feel great.  55 minutes which sounds a lot but I actually look forward to it and don't have to spend any time at all in a smelly gym surrounded by sweating fitness freaks who make me feel like a fraud. I am certainly changing shape and feel so much better and brighter for doing it.  

I thought it would help me and possibly encourage other over 60s if I logged my progress in a simple to understand the moment I have a spreadsheet that even I find difficult to follow!

Still thinking about how to lay it out but will be back when I have worked it out.